Angel Darling

Angel Darling

Creado 273 10,834 0
Hi there! My name is Angel and I loves making ASMR videos. I stumbled upon ASMR videos on YouTube a few years ago and was immediately fascinated. I loved how the videos made me feel and how they helped me relax and sleep better. Eventually, I decided to start making my own videos.

At first, I was nervous about putting myself out there and sharing my videos with the world. But after receiving such positive feedback from viewers, I became more confident in my abilities. Now, I love creating new videos and experimenting with different sounds and visuals.

ASMR has not only become a hobby for me, but also a way to connect with people from all over the world. I love hearing from viewers who tell me how much my videos have helped them relax or sleep better.

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio and for supporting my ASMR journey!


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💟 Angel Darling es un creador de videos de ASMR con más de 273 suscriptores. Angel Darling se unió a YouTube hace 1 año, y ha subido 7 videos de ASMR con más de 10,834 vistas totales.

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