Sensory by Sophie

Sensory by Sophie

Creado 208,000 55,257,829 448 Bélgica
Welcome, friend!

Do you remember, when as a kid, someone would brush your hair? Or write in your books at school? Or when you played 'guess what I am drawing' on your back?
And do you remember that tingly sensation it gave you? THAT, my friend, is ASMR. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Google it.

Since 2013, I have been a big fan of ASMR and the ASMR-community on YouTube. I think it got time to give back after all those years. Thank you to all the amazing ASMR-tists out there for helping me grow as a person thanks to your videos.

I have made it my mission to trigger those tingles with you!



💗 Sensory by Sophie es un creador de videos de ASMR con más de 208,000 suscriptores. Sensory by Sophie se unió a YouTube hace 4 años, y ha subido 448 videos de ASMR con más de 55,257,829 vistas totales. Sensory by Sophie es de Bélgica.

Palabras clave

ASMR SeSo Sophie asmr personal attention asmr soft spoken asmr roleplay asmr role play asmr rp asmr medical rp

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