Community Tag.....Thing *binaural*

Publicado hace 11 años

1. Do you suffer from insomnia or stress often?

2. What first drew you to the Whisper Community?

3. What inspired you to join the community yourself?

4. Have you ever found yourself becoming relaxed whilst making a whisper video of your own?

5. Do you prefer guided visualizations or a personalized role plays?

6. What triggers your ASMR the most?

7. What sensations do you feel when your ASMR is triggered? (um, I totally forgot to answer this question....I have no idea how to describe it haha)

8. Have you ever fallen asleep next to your computer while listening to a relaxation video?

9. Who was the first whisperer you ever subscribed to?

10. Who was the most recent whisperer you subscribed to?

11. Say you're worried about going to the doctor or getting your hair cut, etc.: would you say that these types of role-plays have helped subside some of these worries?

12. Is there a special message you'd like to give to the Whisper Community?

People that I think I mentioned:
WhisperWhimsy- (Um, you're tagged.)

And I have no idea where I got the picture! I just found it somewhere but I definitely don't own it. Isn't it awesome, though? :D

-Jubes :)


Community tag binaural whisper 3D questions jubilee whispers

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