Crazy Hair Transformation 💇🏼‍♀️💈 & Life with THREE Ragdoll Cats 🐈💕✨

Publicado hace 3 meses

🎀Henlo luffs 🙋🏼‍♀️ Wow, it has been so long since the last vlog hasn't it 😱 I filmed this video pre Christmas 2023 on the day I got my hair done 😆 Vlog-style video of my beautiful ragdoll cats, my crazy hair transformation, going from off-the-rails hair to Nice and Sleek hair in 3 hours 🤗😍 Then, I ate lots of food right, cause, Christmas 🎄 And so you can watch me eating with panda playing ESO in the background if you like 😆 Also, just so much cute Sir George, Bernie & Lady Penelope 🥰💖 Then, the end of this is a pre-bit to my massive $600 manga haul video so check that out next week 😍 I've also filmed an update video of where I've been and what's been going on so I'll get that out as soon as I can my luffs 💕✨💖

🎀Also, feel free to check out channel membership, there are a lot more options now, making it a lot more accessible to more people (i.e. cheaper lolz). join here ily 💕💖:

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📺Video Chapters📺
00:00 morning skin care routine with bernie
00:42 lady phi appears
00:53 phi & bern
01:51 good morning sir george
02:58 my 2023 christmas tree
03:27 george & christmas tree
03:42 christmas tree decoration show & tell
05:37 hi bernie
06:07 miss phi
06:29 my breakfast
07:20 coffee & j-drama time
07:44 crazy hair in the car
08:10 hair salon
09:13 crazy hair transformation
09:58 uns & george
10:27 lunch time
10:51 funny george
11:18 perfect summer's day
12:01 afternoon coffee time
12:42 the suitcase with 145 manga in it
13:10 just a bit more of my christmas tree tysm

🌸About Me🌸
My name is Uniy and I grew up in Japan 🗾🏯🎋
I'm bilingual in both Japanese & English, however, my Japanese is currently the "dormant language" as I live in NZ and don't use it in my everyday life so there are times where I struggle to get my point across in Japanese lol 😅 This channel includes, asmr videos, japanese videos, english videos & some gaming videos too 🥰 I hope you like it 😍

🎧BGM by Oneul🎧
Oneul - My Television
Oneul - Miracle Morning

🎧BGM by YouTube Audio Library🎧
Christmas Village - Aaron Kenny
We Wish You a Merry Christmas by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.




(チャンネルメンバーはASMR BGMなしのメンバー限定動画にアクセスする事ができます😚)


asmr the uniys asmr the uniy asmr uniys asmr uniy asmr kawaii asmr aesthetic asmr asmr uniy japanese asmr bilingual asmr japan asmr cute asmr new zealand videos vlogs eating Food food vlog Eating vlog christmas vlog Cats cat vlog

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