Eating your face w wooden spoon & subliminals! #asmr #eatingsounds #mouthsounds #mouthsoundasmr

tlila ASMR
Publicado hace 3 meses

Hi love!! Let me eat your face 🙈 this video is with subliminals for love, beauty, success and money to help you reach all your desires easier 🥰

The subliminals I used

I’m am unbelievably beautiful

I love how I look

I radiate good and beautiful energy everywhere I go

Everyone thinks I’m the most beautiful person the have ever seen

I become more and more beautiful every day

My skin is flawless and soft

My hair I perfect, thick and shiny

My eyes sparkle

My lips are juicy and kissable

Why am I so unbelievably beautiful

How come I wake up more and more beautiful every single day

I am everybody’s first choice

I get what I want and who I want

I get everything I desire

What I deride desires me more

I am healthy

I am glowing

I am a magnet for success

I am a magnet for love

I am love

I am everything I want to be

I am my desired highest self

Money comes to me with ease

Money flows to me and people around me

Everyone treats me so good

How come I’m so successful

How come I am so abundant

I love myself

I am goodness and love

People can’t get enough of me

I’m addicting

I smell so good

My body I perfect

I have my desired body

How can I be so amazing

Why does everything I want come to me with ease

My specific person can’t get enough of me

My specific person falls in love with me every single day

My specific person is everything I could ever want

My specific person is perfect

They love to spoil me with love

I love to spoil me with love

I’m in perfect health and I feel great

How is it I feel so good

I get paid every day just by existing

I get unexpected money by being me

I attract money with ease

Money loves me and I I love money

What I desire is what I already am

What I desire desires me more

Love your Tlila 😘

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