ASMR finger sucking, funnels and mouth sounds and a snootch of 3Dio scratching

Whimsical Annie
Publicado hace 3 años

There are days when I am in the mood to record and there are days when I most certainly am not and no matter what I do, if it doesn't feel right, I do not do it. Fortunately, when I recorded this, I was exactly in that right place...moon aligned with venus or some such nonsense because I sure as heck don't understand how my energy flows and why, on some days, it is mind blowing. I am not referring to physical energy but something much deeper than that...on a level that is not tangible, at least, not to the naked eye...but it does come across in everything I do. Fortunately for me, my trust bedside lamp always makes me look better than I actually do and given that I hate studio lights, it is as flattering as I can make it, without me looking like something from a horror movie. Ah yes, I was just getting round to what I wanted to say but I got sidetracked, fortunately for me, you didn't see my bottom half and not wanting to spoil the ambience but also thinking it very funny, I was in my jim jam bottoms. Now, several days after recording this, my energy is up and down but mostly up after my recent injury and day of enforced rest. I'm off to nibble some chocolate and tend to some urgent matters of a legal nature.


lover of jam and jumping in puddles

#asmrfingersucking #asmrmouthsounds #asmrfunnels


fingerlicking fingersucking mouthsounds 3dioscratching 3diomouthsounds

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