Chatty Girl Taking Care Of You At A Beach Party ASMR | Rambling | Sweet Personal Attention | Soft

Publicado hace 2 años

Welcome! 🏝️ Tonight you are joined by a friend you haven't seen for a while, and it's a great opportunity to catch up. This friendly girl takes care of you at a beach party while you catch a breather. Enjoy chatty rambling, soft personal attention, and being taken care of by a kind girl while muffled music from the beach bash plays in the distance. 🌊🥥

Hey sweethearts! Your support of my channel means the world to me. I appreciate it so much. All donations are being used for more cosplays, props, backdrops, you name it! Feel free to drop your own suggestions & cosplay ASMR ideas. 🥰 Commissions are currently OPEN for custom ASMR videos.

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asmr cosplay costumes costume tingles roleplay role play Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response auto sensory meridian response fantasy whisper whispering soft speaking personal attention party asmr GIRL takes CARE of YOU girl takes care of you asmr takes care of you friendly pretty chatty Rambling

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