Let this be a lesson to me! NOT ASMR. *jump scare* alert! *Halloween* related video

Ariel ASMR❤️
Publicado hace 5 años

Thank you to Jan and Chris and Nathan.

BLOOPERS at end 🐶
Only post on 31 October! Yikes!

Thanks for watching. Please subscribe! - check out Ariel in LaLaLand channel to! (vlog)
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Sound track
Creative Commons


asmr real hair cut asmr massage asmr meaning asmr soft spoken asmr unintentional asmr video relaxing asmr asmr microphone sksk tingles tongue clicking is asmr painful english accent soft spoken personal attention bag folding asmr mouth sounds dog toys tingle immunity asmr immunity ariel asmr Synaesthesia Meditation dog clipping halloween ASMR Binaural ASMR Hair Brushing SKSK ASMR Soft Voice does asmr hurt? Forking misophonia

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