Sucks! Gov. Perry Signs Religious Freedoms Bill - Video Review

Jessica ASMR
Publicado hace 10 años

Rick Perry: 'Religious Freedom Does Not Mean Freedom From Religion Is So Stupid Because You Can't Allow This Like If People Wanted to attend A Religion School Subject themselves with Christmas they would not Fair For the other people who don't celebrate Christmas!

Oh Yeah Gets Even Worse Like Really During the signing of Texas' "Merry Christmas Bill" on Thursday, Gov. Rick Perry (R) made a rather shocking claim. Wowers!!!!!! UGHHHHH Shakes Head!

"Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion," Perry declared at the State Capitol building in Austin before signing HB 308, which allows public schools to display scenes and symbols of "traditional winter holidays."

Well All I Have To Say Is This Doesn't Make Sense Each Culture In Public School Should Have Rights Etc!

Like The new law, which will go into effect in Texas schools in September, allows schools to have religious displays as long as more than one religion is being represented (or there's a secular symbol next to a display of one religion). The bill also allows teachers to say things like "Merry Christmas" Day wow how is this gonna work so confused like crazy well I'm jessica thanks for tuning in!!!!!!!!!!

Video Link Gov. Perry Signs Religious Freedoms Bill ----

Thanks For Watching Xo - Jessica Kardashian



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Rick Perry video Church-Vs-State Freedom Of Religion Merry Christmas Bill Rick Perry Freedom From Religion Rick Perry Freedom Of Religion Rick Perry Religion Politics News Christian Conservative texas christians christian oppression christians are oppressed the merry christmas bill @ChristmasBillUS James Richard Perry governor rick perry christian oppression in america republican republicans are stupid rick Perry Christianity (Religion)

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