Tingly Foam Sounds | Ear to Ear | LilyGASMR

Publicado hace 3 años

Today I am doing an ear to ear foam sounds video! I really hope you guys enjoy it and that it gives you plenty of tingles! I appreciate you! There are also some cap sounds at the end if you’re interested and there's glove sounds throughout as well. I would like to say thank you so, so much to all of the people who have subscribed, liked and left recommendations, I truly appreciate it and you! If you have any recommendations please leave them below, thank you. I hope you’ll leave this video relaxed and that you’ll be able to have a nice long night's sleep! :)

Here are some links to petitions: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/13O7yipKHeIF2-QJ_K9IKIdLQAlN8NgEOF62qQjUjEVM/mobilebasic


Twitch: lilytheg https://www.twitch.tv/lilytheg
Instagram: LilyGASMR https://www.instagram.com/lilygasmr/

#relaxation #asmr #tingles #soundassortment #eartoear #whisper #softspoken


asmr tingles tingly relaxation foam sounds cap sounds ear to ear soft spoken whispered whisper foam relax relaxing blue yeti gloves glove sounds

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