Creamy Raspberry Delight - 100% fruit

Publicado hace 10 años

Creamy Raspberry Delight ice cream which is 100% fruit. Eat 'till your fully satisfied. Allow to melt for a rich cool yogurt texture. Ditch the milk puss and switch to clean foods but still have ice cream yay!

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Hand blender works best

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Go Vegan for your health, the animals and the planet.

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It's In My Nature:
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Check out:
Dr Douglas Graham author of 80/10/10
Dr McDougall author of The Starch Solution
Freelee - YouTuber
Durianriders - YouTuber

Vegan high carb low fat gluten free FullyRaw and RawTill4 recipes for all those aspiring for an amazing, taste bud tingling, fun, exciting, active, vibrant, optimal, cancer free, disease free, animal loving, cruelty free, environmentally friendly, long fit life on this beautiful planet.

Eating on average 80% total daily calories from carbohydrate, 10% protein and 10% fat and guess what - fruits and veggies fit this perfectly. (And I can eat a whopping 2500+ calories every day and get fitter every bite!)

'Animals are friends not food.'
'Be the Human you were born to be.'
'Remove your blinkers and open your eyes to what we have become.'
'The Earth's Fate is in YOUR hands: eat more fruit = increased demand = more fruit trees planted (instead of slaughter houses) = more photosynthesis = more CO 2 absorbed = cleaner air = reversed global warming = no more extreme weather, disasters or unnecessary suffering = happy Earth = Happy Fit Sexy Thriving Humans'


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