ASMR gum chewing with bubble blowing and foot sounds

Whimsical Annie
Publicado hace 3 años

I know this isn't for everyone but feet play a huge part of what I do elsewhere and it is because of them that I have been able to buy my latest, before you go hating and being judgemental, think twice...because as much as I know that most of you are only interested in my mouth sounds...I will happily stop them in a heartbeat. I have removed a lot of videos today...mostly because, during my convalescence, I am looking at the future of both of my channels and apart from my mouth sounds, and previously, my feet...anything else I do, is very poorly received if I am talking or being me. That makes me question why I should continue with this channel if it is me that is the problem. I'm putting on my business head and being a tad analytical about this whole thing but that's a healthy process and one which is long overdue for me. Ultimately...if what I am doing is not working...I need to stop and move on.

And yes, I am opinionated, outspoken and a no-nonsense chick...but that is who I am and you can either love me or hate me..if the latter...just leave.


#asmrgumchewing #asmrfootsounds #bubblegumblowing

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