
Publicado hace 1 año


00:00 オープニング♫Opening
00:11 はじめに💭Introduction
02:20 MBTI診断とは📊What is MBTI Diagnosis?
08:00 スタート❣️Start
08:08 ①人に話す時…/When you talk to people...
09:04 ②入社した日には…/On the day you join the company..
09:50 ③自分で計画立てたら…/When you make your own plans...
10:23 ④友達に言われるなら…/If my friends tell me...
10:42 ⑤プレゼンや発表の時…/When I give a presentation or presentation...
11:02 ⑥仕事のアドバイスされたら…/If I am given advice on work...
12:20 ⑦友達といる時…/ When I am with my friends...
13:00 ⑧会議で座る席は…/When I sit in a meeting...
13:44 ⑨グループラインで…/In a group chat...
14:10 ⑩天気が良くない週末は…/On weekends when the weather is not good...
14:57 (11)新作映画は…/The new movie is...
15:27 (12)普段の自分は…/Usually I am...
16:31 (13)新しい同僚と…/With a new colleague...
17:11 (14)他人と議論するとき…/When discussing with others...
18:03 (15)あなたの性別は…/My gender is..
18:08 (16)問題解決法は…/The way I solve problems is...
18:46 (17)やりたい仕事は…/The job I want to do is...
19:48 (18)この絵を紹介するなら…/If you were to introduce this picture...
21:25 (19)とある動画を見て…/Watching a certain video...
22:18 (20)週末に料理を作るなら…/If I were cooking on the weekend...
22:47 (21)嫌なフレーズは…/The phrase I don't like is...
23:41 (22)人に話すとき…/When I talk to someone...
24:24 (23)投資するなら…/If I'm going to invest...
25:07 (24)ある理論を理解する時…/When I understand a theory...
25:40 (25)とある図形を見て…/Looking at a certain figure...
26:05 (26)ネットで買い物するとき…/When shopping online...
26:59 (27)他人と意見が合わない時…/When I disagree with someone...
28:24 (28)友達が助けを求めている時…/When a friend needs help...
29:04 (29)両手をぶらぶらさせて…/Letting my hands dangle...
29:32 (30)自分の意見を述べるとき…/When I express my opinion...
29:51 (31)予定と友達からの相談…/Talking to me about my schedule and friends...
30:30 (32)恋人と困難にぶつかった時…/When I encounter difficulties with my lover...
31:45 (33)自分にとっての公平とは…/What is fair to me...
32:12 (34)共感するのは…/Empathy is...
32:42 (35)自分と組む同僚の遅刻には…/When me and my colleagues are late...
33:18 (36)立ち話をするとき…/)When you stand up to talk...
33:53 (37)私がやらないことは…/What I don't do is...
34:17 (38)仕事中の自分は…①/)When I am at work... (1)
35:05 (39)仕事中の自分は…②/)When I am at work... (2)
36:05 (40)恋人といるときは…/When I am with my lover...
36:16 (41)私物は…/My personal belongings are...
37:03 (42)1番嫌な仕事は…/My least favorite job is...
37:38 (43)恋人に遅刻されたら…/When my boyfriend is late...
38:07 (44)セールスマンからの電話で…/When a salesman calls me on the phone...
38:59 (45)買い物で1番嬉しいのは…/The most exciting thing about shopping is...
39:24 (46)週末の生活習慣は…/The weekend routine is...
39:40 (47)友達との予定と仕事…/Plans with friends and work...
40:07 (48)他人に対する先入観は…/Preconceived notions about others are...
40:52 結果と雑談📝Results and chit chat
44:45 私と正反対なのは…/ The opposite of me is..
45:05 改めて大事なこと❤️‍🩹What is important again
48:29 おわりに💭At the end
49:45 エンディング♫Ending


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◯ Ci-en(ファンコミュニティ)




[email protected]

アーティスト名:Yoshy Wizer
(P) Star Music Entertainment Inc.
(C) Star Music Entertainment Inc.

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