Pre-war short vlog 🥺

Publicado hace 7 meses

I miss my peace
Forgive me for being emotional but I’m just sitting here reminiscing on life and the fact I barely left the house in two weeks. Between sirens, rockets and terrorists I miss just being able to go outside and see people
My favorite thing in the world is my peace and I find a lot of peace in making ASMR, it’s my safe space and I miss it so much , I wish I could continue to do it but now I don’t ever have the mood, I can’t even eat and I don’t mean to make this a platform for anything other than my safe space so I’m not going to get into what we’ve been going through but I have lost friends and family 💔 and the internet is a place for hatred towards us right now so I only have this one space only to feel somewhat safe in it, please keep that in mind
I hope you all are safe and I would do ASMR when I have the ability to smile and pick myself up from the ground
Love you all and not that anyone asked about it I just felt like sharing and maybe someone will read it and get some clarity
Love y’all , I’m very solid with you all even tho I be cursing here sometimes because people send me sexual personal request, I’m sorry if I come off too harsh but my takeout since this war began is that we need to appericiate life and those who appreciate us, don’t give any light to dark and there will always be hate in the world, but we just need to let go of hatred inside of us and have compassion

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