ASMR foot lotion and scratching sounds

Whimsical Annie
Publicado hace 3 años

Do not walk down the stairs or on a tiled floor, when one's feet are smothered in gloopy lotion...and I speak from experience. I do take very good care of my feet because I am on them for much of the day and even in my dreams, I am usually running through woods, although often, as a wolf but we won't go into that right now. That reminds me, am about to start reading a new book on Astral Projection so if that's your thing, do speak out and although it is not entirely related to my feet, it is at the forefront of my mind this week and yes, the week is young with almost one day pocketed.

I do have long toes and I think, they are more like fingers then toes, on account of their agility and bendiness...oh I don't know, it's just me being me.

Please do leave a little like if you enjoyed this and I will see you all soonish.



#asmrfeet #footlotionsounds

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