[ASMR] Dream Journal Reading & Triggers! (Whispering, Page-turning, Crickling, Tapping & more!)

Publicado hace 4 años

Hey, hello, hi!

Reading starts at about 07:53.

So... Telling you all about what happens in my brain at night has been something I have thought of doing for quite some time...

Many years back I used to keep a dream journal where I wrote down as many dreams as I could remember. It started out with one journal, becoming two... then three... In the end, I found myself having hundreds of pages filled with whatever stupidity my mind made up as I went to sleep. It wasn't just something I did every now and again, but a real hobby that I got very committed to and a habit that stayed with me for over 2 years.

With this little obsession of mine, of course, I managed to gather quite a lot of dreams during those years, the ones I share in this video only making up a couple of weeks at best. That said, if any of you found this relaxing or enjoyable I have more than enough material for a second one!

Other than reading dreams this video will also contain quite a few triggers - everything from crinckling and tapping to drinking and playing with a blanket. If you want some extra triggers, I would suggest staying to the very end of the video where I included some that did not make the cut! Hopefully you enjoy those!

Sleep well!

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My name is Emma, a 20-year-old creator from the north of Sweden.
This channel primarily focus on ASMR, or "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response", a reaction one can have to certain sounds and relaxation. For more information I recommend looking it up on Wikipedia, or just watch and see for yourself! If you are already interested in the topic at hand, I strive to make all sorts of ASMR videos, but perhaps with a bit more focus on the nerdy side of things and just being me (an obessive WoW player and DnD enthusiast). Don't be an elusive watcher - join our little community today!


asmr whispering Dreams dream journal journal diary dream whisper cozy relax tea sipping crinckling crinckles tapping sticky glass reading story read asmrtist blue yeti stereo chill casual lucid dreaming storytime tingles

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