ASMR ear massage, whispers, tapping, blowing, mouth sounds, leather gloves. Ms Frizzle returns

Whimsical Annie
Publicado hace 3 años

I wish I had looked in the mirror but I did not. Thankfully, I don't worry too much about my appearance, as is apparent from the emerging dreadlocks. This was a very ad hoc putting together of sounds and all manner of whispery wotnottery. I may have gotten carried away with the lotion and face slapping but the brush on my lips was ticklish and positively wonderful. All in all...a random and unpredictable mix of not a lot of anything that made much sense but I did have fun

Thank you for all the truly kind and thoughtful wishes regarding my recent situation. Please know that we are safe and ok. It is irrelevant that Christmas did not happen as in the midst of all the hectic happenings...all I prayed for, was for us to be able to stay in our own home and to be warm and without disaster. I take nothing for granted and this has served as a huge reminder to me of the importance of all those simple things that are not on anyone's Amazon wish list because they are, love and good health.

I am grateful to you and for you and that comes from the heart.

Annie, lover of puddle jumping, jam and giggles

#asmrearmassage #asmreartoearwhispers #asmrmouthsounds


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