ASMR Inaudible/Unintelligible Whispering (Reading) with Hand Movements

Publicado hace 5 años

Hey there beautiful people – if you're watching this video from your laptop, I'm really sorry for such a tiny frame. I had to merge two videos shot on my phone, and freaking iMovie never works for me c: Anywho... I guess it motivated me (finally), and my next video will be shot on my camera, woo-hoo!
I hope you enjoyed this inaudible whispering, and I would like to read your suggestions for my next videos!!
Much love, Jess


asmr inaudible whispering unintelligible whispering reading hand movements liquid sounds wood tapping неразборчивая речь непонятная речь неразборчивый шёпот шепот движения рук теппинг tapping звуки жидкоси водичка релакс relax

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