ASMR | how to sleep faster with 4-7-8 breathing exercise

Jolien ASMR
Publicado hace 1 año

Hi and welcome back! In this video I’m explaining the relaxing 4-7-8 breathing method, which is pioneered by Dr. Andrew Weill.

A lot of yoga and meditation practices use this method, which helps reduce anxiety and increase relaxation. This breathing technique also helps you fall asleep faster, decrease heart rate and blood pressure.

0:00 explaining the breathing technique
1:59 breathing technique

I recently discovered this technique on YouTube and tried it myself. It’s really relaxing and lets you be aware in the present moment.

Just try this a couple of times. The more you practice, the more effective it will be! If the exercise is difficult in the beginning, just take a short break and start over.

Did you like this exercise? Let me know in the comment section! :-)

Check out the video were Dr. Andrew Weill himself is giving more information about this exercise:

Do you have sleep or anxiety troubles? Please consult your physician.

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Thank you for watching!


4 7 8 relaxing breathing exercise how to fall asleep faster relaxing breathing technique breathing technique relaxing breathing exercise Breathing exercise breathing technique to reduce stress breathing technique to reduce anxiety 4 7 8 breath 4 7 8 breathing technique 4 7 8 exercise breathing technique te help you with anxiety and sleep breathing technique to fall asleep faster fall asleep faster breathing technique te help you with anxiety sleep and stress

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