Questioning My Belief: Is it Wrong to Value an Animal's Life Over Human Life?

Publicado hace 8 años

In conclusion, I am not either or. I just choose not to harbor hate toward a whole species that's all, because in the end when I harbor hate, it creates suffering within, which just spreads outward. Will I always favor animals lives considering I am living in this unnatural world, in a box home, disharmonious from nature, probably, but do I leave room for being able to consume some animals/ byproducts, as in 95% plants and 5% animals, yes. But I choose to speak about consuming more plant foods over animals, how cruel the meat and dairy industry is, despite the fact that I accept that suffering will always be a part of life, and it's unfortunate we have created this type of food-torture system, but I believe we are omnivores, opportunistic, but whose lives are more valuable, NOT EITHER OR.


is it wrong to value animals lives vs humans why does animal lives matter why is it wrong to eat animals hating humans will not make everyone go vegan which lives matter more animals or humans

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