Sensory by Sophie

Sensory by Sophie

已创建 209,000 55,590,145 451 比利时
Welcome, friend!

Do you remember, when as a kid, someone would brush your hair? Or write in your books at school? Or when you played 'guess what I am drawing' on your back?
And do you remember that tingly sensation it gave you? THAT, my friend, is ASMR. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Google it.

Since 2013, I have been a big fan of ASMR and the ASMR-community on YouTube. I think it got time to give back after all those years. Thank you to all the amazing ASMR-tists out there for helping me grow as a person thanks to your videos.

I have made it my mission to trigger those tingles with you!



💗 Sensory by Sophie 是一位拥有超过 209,000 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Sensory by Sophie 于 4年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 55,590,145 次观看量的 451 部 ASMR 视频。Sensory by Sophie 来自 比利时。


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