This ASMR Reiki Life

This ASMR Reiki Life

已创建 7,430 807,374 203 美国
Greetings! I'm Kelly Jean, and I am honored you stopped by This ASMR Reiki Life. This channel is extension of the work I do at The Peace Room, a healing and training center in Boise, ID. I offer Distance Reiki sessions infused with ASMR and other energy-based modalities including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Crystals, Vibrational Sound Healing, Yoga, and other mindfulness techniques. The intention with the channel is to offer a space for cultivating practices of healing, wellness, relaxation, and stress reduction for new and old friends and those curious about the immense power we possess within ourselves.

Disclaimer: As a certified Reiki practitioner, I do not diagnose clients, perform medical treatments, make medical claims, prescribe therapies, or interfere with any form of treatment prescribed by a licensed medical professional.

To book an individual session or to checkout upcoming classes, go to or email me at [email protected]


💗 This ASMR Reiki Life 是一位拥有超过 7,430 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。This ASMR Reiki Life 于 1年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 807,374 次观看量的 203 部 ASMR 视频。This ASMR Reiki Life 来自 美国。


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