Whisperwind ASMR

Whisperwind ASMR

已创建 26,900 3,105,244 509 美国
ASMR but make it fantasy ✨
Relax and drift off to sleep with your choice of D&D-inspired, high fantasy, gritty fantasy, sci fi, dark, paranormal, or magical roleplays within the context of ASMR. Lots of original characters and stories, plus some homages to pop culture!

MAIN STORY: Check out the playlist "The Story So Far" for a recap!
Welcome to Whisperwind, a small cozy village that no one goes to unless they have to. Elusive elves, friendly tavern girls, and cranky healers all have their secrets. Get to know the locals and embark on a complex quest in a D&D-esque fantasy world, all within the context of ASMR!


💗 Whisperwind ASMR 是一位拥有超过 26,900 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Whisperwind ASMR 于 4年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 3,105,244 次观看量的 509 部 ASMR 视频。Whisperwind ASMR 来自 美国。


asmr fantasy asmr roleplay ASMR medieval asmr fantasy roleplay asmr story series asmr elf asmr witch asmr magic ASMR medieval fantasy DnD DnD roleplay ASMR witchy ASMR storytelling ASMR medieval roleplay ASMR period roleplay asmr soft spoken sleep aid safe for sleep asmr storytelling asmr dnd asmr fantasy rp asmr fairy asmr reiki asmr energy healing asmr sleep
