ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue

ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue

已创建 8,640 626,110 336 美国
There is no adventure without suffering.

I'm an actual doctor (MD) with PTSD after treating multiple patients in horrible situations--including sexual assault, as a SACP/SAMFE. I'm ex-military, advanced wilderness medicine certified, and I battle severe MDD from my constant fibromyalgia pain.

I don't just treat suffering, I understand it - and I want to help others with what's helped me.

I focus a lot on adventure's dark side, but as a traditionally published scifi author with a history degree, I'll mingle it with the wonder of exploration. I won't promise you cure-alls; this isn't the channel for kitschy fake physicals with no meaning.

This is the place for adventurers.


"As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases." However, I recommend you avoid Amazon whenever possible, as I do. But if you're gonna buy from them, send some love my way, okay?


💗 ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue 是一位拥有超过 8,640 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue 于 5年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 626,110 次观看量的 336 部 ASMR 视频。ASMR by the Real Doctor Rogue 来自 美国。


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