Lonixy ASMR

Lonixy ASMR

已创建 13,400 871,038 292 西班牙
Hello! I'm so happy to know that you are here 🌼 I want you to feel comfortable, safe and relaxed... So, that's what I try to achieve with my ASMR videos.
Here, you're going to find different types of ASMR content, but there is one thing that you'll find in each one, good vibes! 🌻✨ I wish you could find a relaxing and cozy place here, a way to escape from bad days, a way to focus on your work, a way to not feel alone...🤍

I met ASMR in 2020 because some people of my Twitch gaming community recommended me to try it... And I'm so happy they did it! In 2021, I started doing my own ASMR content, and after a few months, I almost completely changed my Twitch content to ASMR. In 2022, my YouTube adventure started.
Today, I can say that it changed my life, I found my place in the world, I manage my stress, my migrains, my bad days better. And I feel so happy helping other people to reach the same 💜.

Don't forget that there is always a reason to smile ✨.


💗 Lonixy ASMR 是一位拥有超过 13,400 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Lonixy ASMR 于 6年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 871,038 次观看量的 292 部 ASMR 视频。Lonixy ASMR 来自 西班牙。
