Cassandra S.

Cassandra S.

已创建 14,600 989,822 206
I’m Cassandra!
I do videos on everything (literally). I’ve made quite a few other yt channels already and embarrassing enough, I was too scared and worried/nervous to continue... I was afraid maybe someone that I know would come up to me and tell me something or make fun of me or maybe my own family would do that but I realized that I can’t just keep living life in fear of the possibilities of something happening that I don’t want too happen. I have to start living in the possibilities of what if something good happens and I love doing this? Or my friends support me and so does my family? So, for I think the 100th time, I am starting once more into this journey. I am determined to keep going- even if my dog and I are the only ones watching my channel lol. Do what you love and don’t be afraid of it and hey who knows maybe you’ll make a career out of it but at least you know that in your lifetime you weren’t afraid to take that chance at what you love.
~Cassandra S. :)


💟 Cassandra S. 是一位拥有超过 14,600 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Cassandra S. 于 4年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 989,822 次观看量的 206 部 ASMR 视频。
