Andrie ASMR

Andrie ASMR

已创建 22,700 2,427,903 88 美国
Hello hello and welcome to Andrie ASMR❤ I am so happy you stopped by! I have been a huge fan of ASMR for so many years now. It has helped during countless sad and sleepless nights. I have been wanting to join this amazing community, and be able to help people who felt like I did. This year I finally got brave enough to post. I am in the process of learning a lot, and always trying to make my videos better for you. One day I will learn to look at the camera I promise.

I plan to make a lot of my favorite types of videos including fast & aggressive and roleplays, and occasionally trying out different styles. I am having a lot of fun making these, and hope that it can help you too. Love you all❤


💗 Andrie ASMR 是一位拥有超过 22,700 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Andrie ASMR 于 3年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 2,427,903 次观看量的 88 部 ASMR 视频。Andrie ASMR 来自 美国。
