Daily Bread ASMR

Daily Bread ASMR

已创建 143,000 10,534,087 176 美国
Hello everyone! My name is Gaby and this is a Christian ASMR channel. My goal is to glorify the Lord in every video I make and help you to draw closer to him while you rest/meditate/work/sleep. I pray that these videos will give you joy, peace, and hope as they point you to Christ. Subscribe if you would like to include some quality, and truly meaningful, ASMR into your life.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions ⬇️
- I'm 25 and married!
- I am Protestant, with (currently) no affiliation to a particular denomination.
- I believe in the gifts of the spirit, but you will not find me saying anything close to Word of Faith or NAR teachings
- I became a Christian in late 2019


💗 Daily Bread ASMR 是一位拥有超过 143,000 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Daily Bread ASMR 于 3年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 10,534,087 次观看量的 176 部 ASMR 视频。Daily Bread ASMR 来自 美国。


ASMR Christian ASMR Bible ASMR
