ASMR Destiny

ASMR Destiny

已创建 74,200 15,870,292 987 美国
State-of-the-art, cinematic ASMR visual & audio up to 8K resolution to help you study, relax and most of all, sleep!

Twitter/Instagram/Twitch @asmrdestiny

Hiya - my name is Aaron and since 2013 I've been providing truly state-of-the-art produced ASMR content designed to provide relaxation, healing, and sleep. Using the latest in audio/video technology, I bring you ASMR in new and innovative ways - via VR/AR, VR180, VR360, 3D, binaural & spatial audio, motion-control multi-camera filming up to 8K resolution, always presented in movie-quality for your viewing pleasure.

Join me as I bring you a wide variety of popular ASMR content - ASMR Doctor Roleplay, ASMR Massage, ASMR Tapping, ASMR Sleep, ASMR Teeth Cleaning and much, much more!


💗 ASMR Destiny 是一位拥有超过 74,200 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。ASMR Destiny 于 10年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 15,870,292 次观看量的 987 部 ASMR 视频。ASMR Destiny 来自 美国。


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