ASMR random triggers POV - warm and dreamy, hypnotic attention on the window seat

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

This was such a spur of the moment recording that it was truly unpredictable and yet, in all of it's randomness, it felt exactly as I would have wanted it to be, had I planned it. I am an organised person although my organisation is often chaotic to onlookers. Not that there is an audience watching me go about my daily routine because that would just be weird; their little faces pressed up against the window as I scrubbed the floors and danced on the table.

What might you find amongst this randomness? That's a good question. There's a lighter, which, with its gloriously warm flame, set against the ocean coloured wall, was delightfully hypnotic to watch and gloriously hot to touch...because I forgot all about flames and heat and burning sensations. There are odd items, including myself, in my oldest tattiest jeans, which, on bending, produced a terrifying ripping sound and a sudden cold draft of air against my bottom. They've been repaired more times than I might care to mention, as is obvious by the shortness of the left leg, in comparison to the right one. I fear they may soon be transformed into an unidentifiable item, held together by wool, song and a prayer.

The rest, well, lots of dreamy hand/finger movement lens attention type stuff with some tiny taps and a distinct lack of crazy hair and attitude. There's a pink feather, beads, book tapping and just me, being me. Oh and please do let me know what you think of my halloween nail stickers because I have become addicted to sticking things on my nails...just disregard the fact that I have broken two of my nails because life happens that way.

There was in fact another video that I was going to upload before this one but I'm not entirely sure of how I feel about it because it was one of those clusterf`ck type creations where I fidgeted on my window seat, breathed into my mic and whispered quite a lot of nonsense but it wasn't exactly as I had intended due to interruptions, full storage on my phone and 12 mic failures. However, I am happy to share it if you want me to pop it up at some stage.

Today I will mostly be bending and stretching and making macrame hanging basket plant thingies.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.



As well as the stuff below, I am always coming up with nonsensical ideas and many of them never come to fruition but I take each day as it comes and am blessed if I wake up to see another sunrise.

1. Yoga/calisthenics
2. Tapping, scratching and whispering - in my room
3. Ear noms
4. Hiking
5. Ms Frizzle detention roleplay?

I don't ask for donations or tips, just respect and kindness; they both cost nothing.


#asmrrandomtriggers #asmrpov #asmrhypnotic


asmrtapping ASMRRANDOM asmrunpredictable asmrwhispers asmrlensattention asmrfingermovements asmrnails asmrcolourful asmrhypnotic asmrrelaxing asmrfeet
