Mobility work cat cow

#catcow pose, so here is my first little video
To be honest after viewing the video I was quite pleased with the amount of movement I do have as you can see after a couple or reps my spine began to really lossen up after a few gentle clicks and pops lol
So the #catcow is a great #Yoga stretch we can all use daily to help warm the muscles in our back. So often when I get clients coming in complaining about #backpain I find there muscles are almost stuck to there spine if this occurs it will stop both the vertebrae and the muscles from moving which if there's no movement where more likely to experience ☇pain and or 🔥 sensations.
Really great to loosen up the spine in particular great for tight #lowerbackpain pain.
When moving between cat and cow pose always best to begin with the tail bone or sacrum and slowly work through the different segments of your back. If like me you can't focus yet on individual vertebrae then focus on the different segments so #sacrum, then lumbar then thoracic then cervical
Try do do daily 3 sets of 20 daily and see how you feel
Tom I'll find a Post of someone super flexible to show you how it's really done 😀💪💪🖑
#shiatsu #massage #movement #mobility #journeytogether
