First (And Last) Kmart Walk-Through 1-19-2020

SouthernASMR Sounds
发表 4年前

NOTE: The store is being dismantled, so you're going to hear banging and other loud noises in the background. I asked them to shut down and kick everybody out while I was there, and they refused. So rude. (I'm kidding.)

Also, they went to a lot of trouble to collect the finest, noisiest shopping carts in the known universe to service this store, so respect the racket.


Well, here it is...Our one and only Kmart walk-through. It's so sad! When I found out that the Clemmons, NC Kmart had closed, and that the Raleigh, NC location was closing, I knew I had to go! Three hours round-trip to get this video, but it was worth it. I hope you enjoy this final goodbye to an essential part to 70s and 80s kids' childhoods.


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