I graduated tech school!! (Yay)

Cassandra S.
发表 2年前

Yay!!! I did it wooooo!!!! It’s honestly been a long journey getting here.. there has been times during the course where I really thought I was just going to get washed-back or just moments where I wished I wasn’t in the course but overall I’m happy I stuck through it! I kept pushing all the way until the very end! For those of you future 1N0’s going into goodfellow or maybe you are already there and are struggling through classes.. it’s okay! It’s completely normal. When I was going through the course, I honestly felt like the dumbest person alive.. I just thought there is no way I can get through this block and then I passed it and then the cycle repeated again of “there is no way I’m getting through this block”.. you just have to keep pushing forward. I know it’s sounds overused and over said but that’s honestly all to it. Don’t get yourself down if you have to rebrief your information again, you are going to be okay and I know that because I’ve been there too.. I actually had the most rebriefs in the class (original class) and every single time I just wanted to cry because I felt like not only was I letting myself down but also my classmates and instructors but that’s not at all what it’s about.. your instructor sees something in you and just wants you to either give a bit more information or brief it more confidently (they will usually tell you which one it is), if anyone has any questions about the course or would like some advice on it.. I am always happy to answer all the questions :D you can either ask in the comments or on any of my socials! I’m definitely not an expert btw on any of this, I’ve had my fair share of struggle and I am not by any means the best.. but I’m trying to get better everyday :D!

Also, I just wanted to say once more that if anyone out there is struggling with things that are going on their life or feel like you need someone to talk to or msg, please don’t be afraid to reach out and chat. I know I am not a mental health coach or therapist but I am just someone that is willing and eager to listen and be patient. I know what it’s like to go through something pretty tough and feel like you can’t talk about it, you are not alone. Also if you are in the military don’t be afraid to reach out to a chaplain! I haven’t yet spoken to one of them but I’ve heard great things about them!!

Let’s be friends!

Instagram: cassandracassandra0x
Snapchat: Itsmecassandra0
Discord: CassandraCassandra#1201


Air Force 2020
