How To Make Snowmints :)

发表 11年前

What you need:
1 tablespoon of butter (room temperature)
1 tablespoon of Light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon of Mint Extract
1 cup of Confectioner's sugar
A pinch of salt (optional)
Food coloring of your choice

Mix the butter, corn syrup, mint extract, and salt in a bowl. Slowly add the confectioner's sugar (something I did not do in this video) and mix with a fork until it is too stiff. Knead with your hands until it forms a ball. Divide the dough into three parts, die one orange and the other whatever color you choose. Take the white dough and make snowmen bodies. Add hats or accessories of the other color. Make carrot noses out of the orange. Add sprinkles of your choice. Eat! Chill in the refrigerator if you're going to save them.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial video on how to make snowmen mints. My favorite part is where I put in the mint extract ;D (around 5:38)

The music is by Vince Guaraldi Trio from their album A Charlie Brown Christmas and Manheim Steamroller from their album Fresh Aire Christmas 1988. Possibly my two favorite Christmas albums :)

Happy Holidays everyone!
Love, Jubilee


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