We Are At War and it's Not Only Physical-Our Minds Are Our Weapons of Defense, Strengthen& Hone Them

It is up to you how you perceive this message, let your intuition guide you to the right answers. I do not mean to scare anyone and this message is not for the feint hearted(which you probably aren't if you are here, my fellow spiritual warriors) I have faith in you my friends and I feel we are stronger together, now so more than ever, but so are they... This year we will be tested again and again.. feel and heal(physically and emotionally), meditate as much as humanly possible and focus in the areas of grounding, protecting your energetic body, shielding your psyche, sensing when there's a crack or hole in that Defense, repairing those damages, cord cutting and parasite cleansing...
you will be more than okay, I believe in you and I believe in me and I believe in the greater good of humanity🙏🏼 For now this is all I've been guided to say, although cryptic it is an urgent message I ask you please heed and above all else never forget that you are in control of your reality.

#love #light #oracle #channeledmessages #spiritenergy #otherworld #lightbeing #darkness #reachtheunreached #reachtheworld #magick #spiritualwarfare #healing #protection #prosperity #peace
