ASMR tracing, whispers, skin sounds and hand movements. Reading from The Times newspaper. Lo-fi

发表 4年前

I rarely sit on a chair but then you probably already know that. My preferred positions are usually squatting down, half lotus or on my belly with my feet in the air, or as you find me here. So you got a little bit of some of that and a little bit of me doing what I love; that is, to read and whisper and use my hands. It is nigh on impossible for me not to use my hands when I am talking and that was the case long before I stumbled upon ASMR.

Reading from The Times newspaper dated 8th January 2020

I hope that you find a little bit of what you like and maybe even a lot of a little or possibly even, quite a lot of not very much at all. Feel free to tickle the tiny little like button or leave some words or a jam sandwich...meanwhile, I have tools to play with and a torque wrench to to torque...and other things that I couldn't possibly mention.

Thank you, with love and jam


#asmrtracing #asmrwhispers #asmrhandsounds


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