ASMR leather jacket and boots - a whole lot of vintage - just like me - and zipper sounds

Cherry Cupcake
发表 3年前

Can I be classed as 'vintage' because that would seem fairly reasonable to me and might make me worth a few bob when I pop my little clogs. No idea where that saying comes from and I really ought to browse the wonderweb but I'm hungry and when I'm hungry, nothing else matters...only my tummy and the impending food that will be delivered to me on a tray with hopefully, my own fork because I'm so fussy and only like eating with a certain kind of fork and not the big chunky ones because they don't feel right in my fingers. Why am I even telling you all of this when the video is about a leather jacket and boots? That's a good question and I may be able to shed some light on it when my blood sugar is slightly higher than low.

This was my bargain jacket find on Ebay and it's fair to say that it is just a snootch tight for anything other then wandering around with the zip open and not too much movement in the arm department. Yes, I did go shopping like this and no, I don't really care what people think because I'm happy being me and have never wished to be like anyone else. As for the boots...they are just old and a bit tatty but they are still in good working order and a close second to my favourite boots which are most certainly not wearable unless I am moving slowly and away from hazards because the top of one is detached from its bottom and having a bottom detachment is a terrible thing.

I'll leave you to tickle the little like button if you enjoyed this and will thank you in advance if you should desire to do so.

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vintageleatherjacket leatherjackettapping leatherjacketscratching asmrleatherboots asmrclothesscratching asmrzippers
