A softly spoken video (including a positive poem I wrote as well)

Miss VintageTingles ASMR

I filmed this video on Wednesday at about 2 am in the morning, I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to create something which I had hoped could help at least someone, and I wanted it to be a more positive video and about my mental health.
I’ve decided not to edit my video as I wanted my video to have a more genuine sense to it, in comparison to if I had edited it to just me reading the poem I had wrote out for this particular video that I had done.

I’m not sponsored to say any of these websites at all. I just thought I would add these websites in the description box underneath my newest video as if anyone wants to look them up, they can and if they don’t want to, that is ok too. :)

Here are some websites if you wanted to look them up although I’m not sure if they are only in the U.K. though.


National Autistic Society - www.autism.org.uk
