ASMR strangely satisfying sounds and textures - random wotnots

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

sometimes, I do weird things that appear as weird to other people but are seemingly natural to me. I know that we all rely on our hands and arms to do much of what is required in our day to to lives and often, give little thought to the appendages on the end of our legs, until that is, something goes wrong. It would be fair to say that a lot has gone wrong with my feet and I never take them, or my hands, for granted. Touching with hands becomes commonplace...touching with feet, less so, unless you are me and are forever running around with bare feet and a happy heart...perhaps this will resonate with you in some small way and perhaps...if you are like me, lying on the floor in your tatty jim jams at early o'clock, you too will do things that are meditate and soothing and a little bit different.

I remember when I was homeschooling my youngest son and he was painting a picture with the most vivid of skies and someone told him that the sky should be blue; I am sure you can imagine my response but I told my son that, 'the sky can be any colour you want it to be.' And in life, that message and the sentiment behind it, runs true in most everything I stand for and everything that I do. Remember to sometimes look up and to feel before you see.

With love always

Annie...who searched for puddles and found none but who holds the memories in her heart forever

#asmrfeet #asmrplants #asmr
