🇯🇵ASMR 色んな耳かき👂🏻で奥たでごっそり耳掃陀オむルマッサヌゞ 3DIO&SR3D Sleepy Ear Cleaning With Various Tools!

ASMR BlueKatie
发衚 3幎前

おかえりなさいけいです。今日は久しぶりの耳かきです☺ 少しでもリラックスしおもらえたら嬉しいですご芖聎ありがずうございたしたリク゚ストなどあったら是非教えおね。高評䟡、チャンネル登録、通知、ツむッタヌむンスタフォロヌよろしくおねがいしたす励みになりたすみんない぀もありがずう おやすみ🌙💕

welcome back blue kitties!! katie here :3 today i made an ear cleaning video, its been a while! thanks for watching, enjoy! im hoping you and your loved ones are safe&well and please know that each and every one of you are valid and loved. I love you very much! hope the best for you. have a good night🌙💕

YESSTYLEでお䌚蚈の際は割匕コヌド「BLUEKATIE」を䜿っおね☺ Please Use Code BLUEKATIE for discount on YESSTYLE :)
→ https://ys.style/lqOTeZVFPeb

動画で䜿ったクリヌム Cream I used in the video →
動画で䜿ったリップグロス LipglossI used in the video →

【お知らせ】郵䟿局の私曞箱を開きたしたお手玙など倧募集です😊出来るだけお返しのお手玙も送りたす😌芖聎者さんずは画面越しのみのお付き合いなので、このような圢で日頃の感謝をお䌝えできればなず思っおいたす。お送り先は→ Postbus 359, 6700 AJ, Wageningen, The Netherlands です🥰

[Notice] I opened the PO Box at the post office! I’d love to receive some letters etc.😊 I will send you a letter in return as much as possible 😌 Since I only interact with viewers through the screen, I would like to express my gratitude in this way.

0:00 Introduction
4:13 3dio 巊耳かき Ear Pick (LEFT)
6:46 䞡方耳かき Ear Pick (BOTH)
13:33 プラスチック耳かきブラシ Plastic Ear Swab
20:10 リップグロス Lip Gloss Application
23:30 SR3D プラスチック耳かき Plastic Ear Pick
25:52 手にクリヌム぀ける Applying Cream To Hands
27:37 むアマッサヌゞむアカッピング Ear Massage & Ear Cupping
34:40 綿棒 Cotton Swabs
36:06 3dio 綿棒 Cottons Swabs
41:05 梵倩 Fluff
45:16 むアマッサヌゞ囁き Ear Massage & Whisper

【お知らせ】郵䟿局の私曞箱を開きたしたお手玙など倧募集です😊出来るだけお返しのお手玙も送りたす😌芖聎者さんずは画面越しのみのお付き合いなので、このような圢で日頃の感謝をお䌝えできればなず思っおいたす。お送り先は→ Postbus 359, 6700 AJ, Wageningen, The Netherlands です🥰

[Notice] I opened the PO Box at the post office! I’d love to receive some letters etc.😊 I will send you a letter in return as much as possible 😌 Since I only interact with viewers through the screen, I would like to express my gratitude in this way.

STREAMING MY NEW ASMR LULLABY ALBUM!! ONLY ON SPOTIFY → https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ilBnMW62Nt42yIqSlbaJ7?si=tpQlblgVSweWb_wevxA35Q


Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/asmrbluekatie/

The beautiful intro music was made by Benjamin Gray : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLOaoziVaf6zoJB12HOZ7A !!! Thank you :)

Please help me put subtitles on my videos on Amara! x

パトロンPatreon, Thank you so so much for the support!! 応揎本圓にありがずうございたすhttps://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie

Discord ディスコヌド: https://discord.gg/xcJWfwn

End screen music by Sir. Dayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOhBpkr_0g0

PLAYLIST 子守唄/Lullabies ASMR・音フェチ Singing you to sleep

音フェチ動画✚ASMR videos!!

English ASMR videos✹

Subscribe! チャンネル登録よろしくです

#ASMR #音フェチ #ASMRBlueKatie


asmr tapping sleep relax relaxation insomnia tingle whisper binaural mouth sounds scratching tap 音フェチ japan Japanese Anime Bluekatie blue katie ASMR BlueKatie katie blue blue kaite close up ear to ear CNY 3Dio Ear Cleaning Ear Massage Ear Cupping earcleaning sr3d asmr SR3D mic asmr mouth sounds ASMR sleep
