Accent Tag and Southernisms

发表 11年前

Please ignore the fact that it says #6 and anything else I say about another video. I had a different #5 video but for some reason the world hates me and decided that it it wouldn't upload. So...yeah. I'm gonna try redoing it and uploading it later, it's too good to just forget about! And I got some gum so in the meantime I'll try and upload that one.

Oh, yeah! And I tag SongbirdWhspers...mwahahaha....


Oh, yeah, and if you're still reading this- I made a facebook page! Haha they wouldn't let me use JubileeWhispers as my name (silly Facebook!) so I went with Jubilation Lee...yeah, I know, I'm a nerd.

Friend me? :)


whisper relaxation accent tag southerisms jubilee
