EP 14 | DM Phaerius' LMOP | "Harmon Kost's Happy Hideout" | Dnd 5e #gameplay

发表 3年前

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Ep.14 Write-up:
The party found a hidden stash of loot in Cragmaw Castle before preparing to head back to Phandalin with Gundren securely tied to the back of Buttons, Daelin's trusted mechanical assistant. They were interrupted by a returning warband of Hobgoblins led by Targore Bloodsword, who quickly thought better of attacking someone who had dispatched so many of the forces of the castle (Daelin having approached them alone for parley). He promised that he would remember them, and wouldn’t approach them again without being sure he had the upper hand. Daelin merely tossed a bag of electrium to the Hobgoblin warleader in response, before both parties went their separate ways, the crisis temporarily averted.

Gundren awoke on the road back to Phandalin, asking after the map, and his missing brothers, of which there had been no sign. Phandalin was a welcome sight for the blood-soaked heroes, who collapsed quickly into their beds at the local inn. Waking the next day with renewed vigour at the thought of the reward waiting for them at the townmaster’s hall for clearing out Cragmaw Castle. Harbin Wester, the mayor of Phandalin, regretfully bestowed the 500 gold upon them as well as a very reluctant thanks.

The party resolved to head east before moving on Wave Echo Cave, to hopefully gain more strength before facing down the Black Spider, a lurking threat that they had yet to even identify. They travelled to Conyberry and hut of the banshee Agatha, who told them all she knew of the tome of the great mage Bowgentle, which was admittedly not much. She had sold it 100 years prior, to a necromancer named Tsernoth.

The party found themselves suspicious of the next character they met, a red robed necromancer who called himself Harmon Kost. Harmon was researching the magical kingdom that had fallen and left behind a watchtower at Old Owl Well. He quickly attempted to get in their good graces, talking them down from attacking the zombies in the nearby watchtower and asking them to dispatch orcs at Wyvern Tor. Harmon confessed that he had no connection to Tsernoth, and would be no help in finding out the location of Bowgentle’s tome, despite the parties prodding and prying. He perked up at the mention of Agatha, due to certain indiscretions in his past they weren’t on speaking terms and he wanted to ask her for some knowledge of the magical kingdom he was researching. The party was given a pearl, another gift to appease the scorned banshee.

Moving first to Wyvern Tor, they met the orcs in battle, a clever disguise from Naegin dispatching their sentry without raising any alarms. The warband was cut down to the last, their leader Brughor driving them into a frenzy.
#dnd #twitch #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #5e


roleplay Dungeons & Dragons d&d stream twitch stream streamer airlaser DM Phaerius LMOP module campaign
