ASMR foot rubbing | scratching with hand jiggles and my very sleepy face - just a quickie

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

This is me...recorded about 30 mins ago, with the fluffiest of faces (not literally, obviously) and the scruffiest of outfits...on my floor, happy in my heart but tired in my head, hence the short video instead of what I had planned to edit and upload but this is life and sometimes, life happens and we just go with how we feel in the moment and this is how I felt. Nothing remotely fancy but at least I managed to move the bra off the side of the bed and pick up my soggy socks.

Sending love and snugs but I am all out of jam for please come back tomorrow and I will butter and spread at least 300 of the things, along with cherry cupcakes and home made lemonade.

Tickle that little button if you enjoyed what you saw/heard.

And I will remove all random comments that are not constructive, helpful, nice or otherwise. Certain words are blocked on my channel so if you are thinking of competing for first place...think on. I'm a no-nonsense kind of chick and I'm not pussy footing around anymore.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. I am amazed by all the genuinely wonderful comments and the level of engagement. Ultimately, it is you that makes this channel what it is and it is you that guides it in whatever direction it goes. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.


what's coming up

Mic stroking, hand sounds/movements, random triggers and whispers...hopefully tomorrow

Book tapping

Giantess role play


yoga, me, photography

Mostly feet and a lot of me

Polls and photos etc.

#asmrfeet #asmrskinsounds #asmrsleepy
