ASMR foot lotion massage with feathers, skin sounds and sleepy feels

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

I have just picked up the laundry from the floor, next to the laundry basket...that isn't actually a basket but more of a cylindrical tin things with holes and a large dent from once upon a long time ago when I threw something at it during a moment of wotnottery. I don't know why it has holes in it because who wants to smell last week's stinky socks or damp towels that appear to take on a completely different aroma after only one use? I don't understand how drying myself with a clean towel and a clean body, can result in the towel smelling fusty. Perhaps you know the answer and if you do, please let me know. But the important point here, is that the clothes were on the floor and not in the bloody bin/basket/tube thingy. It wasn't enough that I had to collect random stinky clothes but I then rounded up the dishes that were on the work surface, only 8 inches away from the dishwasher. Are you also one of those people that doesn't quite get the things to the place they need to be? Shame on you.

About the video...I suppose I ought to say something...slippery feet, fluffy jumpers, smooshie cushions, a feather and me...the rest I just made up as I went along but I sure felt relaxed afterwards. As for the thumbnail...I just couldn't get a decent picture and so ended up with something between ok and mediocre but I truly must work on that side of things...right after I have consumed some jam and contemplated my navel.

Did I tell you that I don't like pink? I swear I don't. No idea how it crept into my room and spread like ground elder and no matter how often I dispose of the pink...there it is a cushion or a blanket or a sweater. I give up to, hold on...there's more than one kind of pink right? Maybe it's the peachy variety that I like. Or is that even pink in the first place? No. It is peach. Oh god. I need to lie down.

Tickle that little button if you enjoyed what you saw/heard.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. I am amazed by all the genuinely wonderful comments and the level of engagement. Ultimately, it is you that makes this channel what it is and it is you that guides it in whatever direction it goes. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.


What next?

Spoolies and spoons


yoga, me, photography

Mostly feet and a lot of me

Polls and photos etc.

I don't ask for donations or tips, just respect and kindness; they both cost nothing.


#asmrfootmassage #asmrlotionsounds #asmrfeathers
