ASMR unpredictable hand sounds | finger flutters | smiles aplenty | mic stroking | random tapping

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

‘Have I ever kissed a girl?’ Good question. Just me, doing me...bringing you whatever felt right in that very moment. Apologies for another crap thumbnail. I must rectify that situation once I have cleaned my teeth and located my morning attitude. It might be a slightly slower start for this old chick

This is dedicated to May...bringer of sunshine smiles and loveliness. Thank you for always making the world right, even when it is wrong and upsideinsidedown. You are a joy. I thank you for all you are and all that you bring to my little corner of the world. Love and snuggles. x

What's coming up or has just been...

Shirt scratching on my blue knitted top...very soon
Leggings try-on - on my yoga channel, now.
Outdoor sounds from my walk - on my yoga channel
Leggings scratching - not sure I even dare
Shirt scratching
Tapping on books in my library
for all things reading with bare feet - new channel

I have a yoga channel

Instagram - although I am currently taking a social media break with a view to closing my foot channel in 20 days time if things don't change there.

me, yoga, photography, lollipops

feet and photography and weird stuff

#asmrhandsounds #asmrmicstroking #asmr


asmrbritish Asmrfemale asmrcolourful asmrsmiles
