My book is published! Time Reversal Formula in 3 steps! 70% Launch Discount at Amazon

Olivia Kissper
发表 1年前

How To Achieve Nothing: 3 Step Formula to Quit the Time Race & Strategizing Mania. (For The Purpose Driven Exhausted Seeker)
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Are you serious about your time and purpose in life? Serious enough to ditch the idea of both? 
Are you done with:
Overthinking about how to organize your time, setting daily goals, and trying to effectively manage time? 
Knowing you have a purpose but never feel like you’re doing enough?
Being overwhelmed? 
Procrastinating by reading books about time and stress management?
Being exhausted from the time race and improving work efficiency?
Business time management is dead. Let’s look at time as what it really is - a story.
This book will show you that you can only stop the productivity and strategizing mania by recognizing that all you want is already available and it’s hiding in the ‘unexpected’. But you can’t see the unexpected because you live in a deceptive timeline (story) that is keeping you stuck in a never-ending time race, stress, impatience, comparing and overthinking.
The simple Time Reversal Formula will reveal your next action to take in any stressful situation - and it is not what you’d expect. Once you know it, stress dissolves effortlessly.
What if you could be increasing productivity without overthinking, strategizing, learning smart strategies, or changing your routine?
Ditch your productivity books, and go beyond personal success in business.
Discover that:
It is never more time you really want (what a relief!)
What you deeply desire is the end of achieving and striving
Now is not a moment in time
Anything you do with a purpose, including your Life purpose, cannot make you happy
Achieving nothing is achieving everything, and it is effortless (without mental gymnastics)
Among spiritual awakening books, this is the Power of Now for time management for entrepreneurs and busy introspective people. 

Liv Kissper MSc has a background in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. She guides and mentors purpose-driven entrepreneurs who always race against time. She trains them to collapse the deceptive timeline protecting the false self image keeping them in never-ending search, perfectionism, endless healing, self-doubt, and effort.


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