Building a Mental Safe Haven Guided Meditation

发表 3年前

This is a guided meditation from Teal Swan's book "The Completion Process" (an excellent book, which I'd highly recommend). This meditation stood out as an invaluable resource for anyone at anytime. I think it is such a beautiful idea to have a safe space in your mind to retreat to. It was designed to be a safe mental/emotional/spiritual haven to retreat to while doing deep inner child work - but it can also be used as a place to come to just relax...

I recorded it (for myself), and then wanted to share with others - as it is so much easier to build if you are being guided through it - rather than jumping back and forth between the guide and the creator.

Please enjoy :-)

And for more information on Teal Swan and her many valuable contributions - her youtube page is


guided meditation Meditation safe space relaxation relax binaural beats teal swan relaxing video relaxing music healing guided meditation healing guided meditation stress guided meditation peace
