ASMR short clips
发表 5年前

Hi!!! Like I told you before I want to talk about my skin condition...

I have PSORIASIS....

Some who are not aware may judge people with psoriasis and most of the time I read from different experiences of people suffering from psoriasis they are bullied and some are reluctant to come near them because some thought that it is contagious and yuck. I myself experience being bullied but my personality is strong than those bulkies so I told them that PSORIASIS IS NOT CONTAGIOUS BUT BAD ATTITUDE IS THE ONE TRANSFERRABLE AND THEY CAN GOOGLE IT. 🤣🤣🤣

PSORIASIS can't be treated, the medicine that are available are just to alleviate the symptoms and not to erradicate the disease. It is autoimmune which means our cells are attacking its own.

This is not our choice. The cause is unknown, some said it could be heridetary but neither of my family had. But I can't trace if my ancestors had. Precipitating factor like stress and insomnia leads to the proliferation of the symptoms and thus it is so diffi ult to have one.

Thank you for watching I hope I was able to impart a good lesson and that is to Google the disease first hahah no joking aside. I want people to understand that all of us have imperfections within us and that is why we are sometimes weak and this weaknesses should be empowered by our strengths.

We should love each other and forgwt about hatred and negativity. Love you all. 😍😍😍

help me buy popsicles, bubblegum, lollipops and other stuffs....

paypal: [email protected]

thank you!!! 😚😚😚


psoriasis not contagious asmr mouthsounds toungeclicking relax calm whispering mukbang eating lipstick cute sleep antistress lollipops licking crackling roleplay gloves sexy lips sucking tongue icepops love braingasm eargasm blueyeti Rambling Popsicles Makeup
