ASMR yoga stretches - whispered

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

This morning, I got stuck on a barbed wire fence. One leg either side, fearful of splitting my difference. I know you're wondering what that has to do with this video but in fact, it has everything to do with the breath that is life and that enables me to make rational decisions when stuck in aforementioned very dodgy situation. I am used to farm animals, mud and living in the country...I'm comfortable with a gloved hand in the wrong end of a ewe (or the right end if she's lambing) but getting cornered by 15 inquisitive heifers and 25 cows...well, that is always enough to remind me to just breathe, hum a Barry Manilow song and come up with a plan B. Because ultimately, one small pixie is no match for several tonnes of curious creatures. With the gate being blocked by the big eyed beasts...I promptly ended up in a bed of nettles after the barbed wire shenanigans got the better of me...and I'm still stinging and prickling like you cannot imagine. Oh, and I smell delightful.

Here are a few of my favourite morning stretches, or evening, if it is evening. I do these religiously because sleeping for several hours in some positively bizarre positions, is enough to make me feel like an old crumpled blanket on waking. As a word of caution: all back bends are performed within safe limits. I have no wish or desire to allow ego to enter the room, ever. I will happily go into more detail on any of these exercises, should you wish me to do so.

Yoga is a way of life for me. It is much more than the physical practise. It is the essence of who I am. It has enabled me to move around free of pain for the most part and to let go of my ego. Let's be honest, ego can be a destructive devil. But I have said enough. Until later. Namaste.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. I am amazed by all the genuinely wonderful comments and the level of engagement. Ultimately, it is you that makes this channel what it is and it is you that guides it in whatever direction it goes. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.

Custom/pre-made videos. Contact me via email if you are interested.

What next? As voted for by you...blood sucking, licking and eating.
1. Listening to my heartbeat while I lounge on my bed and floor.
2. Tapping and scratching on things in my bedroom
3. Funnel sounds?
4. Role play detention or giantess.
5. Shoe try-on - recorded and ready to upload soon, once edited,

Don't forget to take a peek here. There are photographs and you can vote for your next video. And I usually just post something fun or a yoga pic.

I don't ask for donations or tips, just respect and kindness; they both cost nothing.


#asmryoga #yogastretches #hipopeners


whisperedyoga yoga backbends hipstretches
