ASMR yoga flow bendy stretchy whispery wotnots

发表 4年前

I climbed into my shorts at 6.30am and arrived promptly on my mat by 6.45. 15 mins later and I was still sat in the same position, resting my head in my hands. I had wanted to provide you with a high intensity workout. I’d even contemplated wearing a leotard. However, my body said no and if there’s one thing I will always do, it is to honour my body. Therefore, I’m sharing a little bit of something from the other day. Normal service will be resumed soon. Apologies that this is all I have to share with you.

No need to subscribe or like. Just take from this, what you will and stop by again if you should find yourself a little lost for something to do.

Thank you, with kindness and gratitude.

#asmryoga #bendandstretch #exerciseathome


asmryoga asmrexercise asmrworkoutathome asmrstretching asmrwhispers
